Friday 15 January 2010

Nikon Camera D3000. I want to buy a telephoto lens. What model should I buy?

Nikon Camera D3000. I want to buy a telephoto lens. What model should I buy?

If you want to go really wild on the telephoto buy an FX lens (yes i know the D3000 is DX).

For instance if you get a 400mm FX you will have a 600mm equivalent on your camera. This is also good because in the future if you want to buy a full body (FX) that lens will have no problems there.

On the other hand you can only go so far as 200mm in the DX format with the 200mm fixed and the 18-200mm. They are both good lenses.

Now it is a bit up to you. Do you need extreme zoom in the 400s or 600's mm or a modest 200mm...

Answer by Gohaleg on 02 Jan 2010 03:49:36

Check out Nikon, Tamron and Sigma. Tamron and Sigma make lenses for camera brands and I have had good success in the past with both.

Look into zooms that least go up to 200mm but if you really want some extra telephoto range to zoom in even closer then there are zooms that go up to 250mm and 300mm.

Make sure the lens works fully with your D3000, it is one of the Nikons that needs the auto focus motor in the lens, just like some other Nikon DSLRs, D40, D40x, D60 & D5000.

I listed some links to provide some more information.

Hope this helps.


Answer by Mark on 02 Jan 2010 03:57:25
Best Answer

It depends what you want to shoot with it. If you are shooting wildlife I would go for a longer lens with at least 300mm so you don't scare them away. But I own a 18-55 and a 55-200 which I really enjoy because the focal lengths don't overlap and one picks up where the other one leaves off. The only problem I have with the 55-200 is that sometimes I find that I could use a little more reach. The 70-300 is supposedly a great lens, but it is longer than the 55-200 and also is much more expensive.

Answer by Josh on 03 Jan 2010 09:36:51

Try Checking Here :

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Hope I Helped :)

Answer by MJ14 on 04 Jan 2010 06:38:03

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