Wednesday 13 January 2010

Any advice taking photos with the Holga 135?

I just got my first film camera ever. And I developed my photos and they came out all overexposed and it made me sad. What do I need to remember about the holga and what are some tips? Also help with film, and developing.

Best Answer

The Holga 135 shoots at f/8 or f/11 at 1/125th of a second (you didn't set it to "B" did you?)

Set the aperture to f/11 for sunny days or f/8 for cloudy days.

Use ISO 100 or 125 film

Develop as per manufacturer's directions.

If you overexposed, do you see ANY image in the negative? Film usually ought to be tolerant of up to 4x overexposure and 2x underexposure, you simply compensate when printing.

If you see any image in a dense negative, you should be able to salvage a print by simply exposing the paper for a longer time.

Answer by Roy on 12 Jan 2010 03:29:11

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