Friday, 15 January 2010

what is multi burst mode and how does it work?

multi burst mode is a series of shots taken one after another. the speed depends on the camera

Answer by BillyB on 14 Jan 2010 09:33:17

Think of it as a machine gun.

Answer by Pooky on 14 Jan 2010 09:49:22
Best Answer

Multiple shots per second. Say if you are watching a football match, car racing, or some sort of movement, you can capture an entire action, a bit like those flip books you see. For eg, if you are watching someone catch a ball, and you are not quick enough to take one picture for that moment, or you miss it - a whole bunch of photos are taken as you hold the button down for a certain amount of time, there is also no worry for a loading time per image. But if you are using the flash it may be a bit slower due to the flash having to recycle, multi burst is probably better in the daytime in regards to flash taking up time.

Answer by Purple witch hazel Vt*Pm*Am on 14 Jan 2010 10:13:39

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